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4c9146a6 No.169

I am going to try to learn how to write traditional hanzi!!!!!!

I am not going to learn how to speak Cantonese though, that is too hard. I will just learn the writing so I can understand road signs and menus and things.

I will come back in 8 months and post in the chingchong characters just like the rest of you!!!!

4a092f29 No.170


我不會學習如何說粵語,那太難了。 我會學習寫作,所以我可以了解路標和菜單和東西。


73b63d68 No.171

Planning a trip to Hong Kong? Mind sharing more backstory with us?

A primary school textbook would be a good start. Have fun.

3cd8e5ba No.174

How about mandarin chinese? Most of my foreigner friends said mandarin speaking is easier to start with.

And I am not sure is that only me. Maybe you don't mean it here, but i would feel quite offended everytime hear or see the word chingchong.

fc41fdc4 No.176


>Maybe you don't mean it here, but i would feel quite offended everytime hear or see the word chingchong

Are you new to the internet?

d0990f99 No.177


No, but it didn't not mean we should stand of it.

it is offensive and racist. I would never use it with my Asian friends.

fc41fdc4 No.178

You're gonna have a heart attack on 4chan.

2f48bacd No.179


Guess that is why i am not there.

Too much shits in real life I've seen already…

71903358 No.180



It's good to be nice. Just stay true to yourself.

4a304dbe No.182


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