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88ec39d2 No.218

First thing I need you to understand is that I am completely serious.

I need someone to translate an statement to Chinese and to publish where ever the triads can see it.


The statement goes as following:

Dear members of the different mafia families on Asia:

My country, Venezuela is going through some difficult times.

So difficult, in fact, some of you might have heard it’s a great place to buy a white teen slave.

I am not here to tell you to stop, because you would not. I am here to tell you that you are being robbed.

Whatever is that you are paying for those girls, is too much.

Many of them would join your side willingly if you only were to ask, may it be as a concubine, a prostitute, or a porn actress.

How do I know this? Because they’re already doing this on countries far, far shittier than yours.

Just for the chance to escape this hell hole.

Our military, well know con-men, take advantage of your lack of knowledge of our current situation and are probably charging you hundreds of thousand for each kidnapped girl, while you could easily get one for the price of a plane ticket.

Thats how bad things are here.

Also, they are selling you a product with the wrong indications. Our white women, (particularly the pretty ones, ) are usually of European descent, and belong to the upper echelons of our society. They go to our top schools, and they are usually our best and brightest.

These are not white trash like you might usually deal with; for mere slaves, they might be over educated. These people, our military, are selling you diamonds as if they were mere glass, and overcharging you for them!

You have some perfectly decent wives to be there, some of them even virgins, (since sexual promiscuity has always been a trait of the lower classes in catholic societies) and in what will you turn them into? used goods?

88ec39d2 No.219

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This goes beyond good and evil. This is simply bad business practices.

It would only take you a newspaper announce on our local paper or social networks announcing your proposal and you will be able to skip the middle men.

So please, mr Mafia bosses, before you buy Venezuelan, ask yourself: I am being taken by a fool by these motherfucking mongrels? I am being rip off when I could easily get myself a better deal both for me and my slaves?

Venezuelans do have a tradition of making fun of Asians. They borrow money from China they know they wont return. They offer oil they know they wont produce. They kill your kin because they own the shoops they loot. And all of it, while feeling superior to you.

I will ask then, dear members of the Asian mafias, not to fall prey for the ploys of our military. They have no concept of honor. They will rip off if you turn your back.

So please consider the offer I just proposed before you too become their victim, just like we all did.

I must also explain why am so emphatic about this:

Look at the chart. A country with the population of Arkansas have as many Miss Universes as the United States.

We may all not be pretty, but our prettiest girls are also the prettiest girls on the damn world, and we have the data to back it up.

The way this thing is being handled is a national disgrace. Would you steal the Mona Lisa only to have it hanging around in your kitchen?

Our slaves deserve better.

ee959f63 No.220

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I gotcha back man.

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